AI came a long way in the recent five years, many people and companies attempt to use it for various purposes. Some more noble, some less, We want to harness AI for the goal of teaching and educating of software engineers to improve their coding skills.
AI was built and is built as close as possible to what we've never expected, To writing code and skills around writing code. For many years, experts assume that AI and robots will replace first and foremost low paying jobs and low skill jobs, Jobs that require no skill at all or jobs with low bar of skills.
However, We see how AI excel in fields like design! And software engineering, problem-solving skills, answering questions, digging into an issue, breaking down a problem or a mistake etc. Nobody in their right mind thought (for many years) that AI will be able and produce such a beautiful work of art, or incredible art work. The general assumption was that AI will replace what the market or the people refer to as replaceable, burger-flippers, waitresses, cleaners etc, not the jobs that require a degree.
This is why, We've decided to harness the skills of AI with experts UX and UI design to bring together two things that are expected to be far. The large pools of knowledge, Skills, Abilities, LLM neural network answering complex problems to a easy UX experience for users to integrate with such large LLM data. What we want to achieve is to ease and speed up how quickly software engineers in particular are able to obtain knowledge in rapid speed. Or in Sci-fi level, download an entire database of knowledge to a human brain within minutes, But as close as possible to our modern day abilities. Hence, It's not in few minutes, But nevertheless possible and achievable. With a few studying techniques that combine with large data of LLM.
1. Learn By Typing: Code written by AI to practice, with different variation and increase in complexity.
2. Learn By Listening: Feedback on success and failure and on important keyword while typing (press arrow key up & arrow key right to speed up and 4x to skip the audio).
3: Learn by Code Mileage: 10,000 hours rule apply to software engineers as well! NOT writing code is the biggest holdback to become a better software engineer and land you your dream job!
4. Flow Learning: Get high APM while typing, the goal is to dive into the flow and keep pushing!
We want to harness those and many more other skills to allow our users learn software engineer languages in rapid speed, Instead of looking at a video and repeating text or reading a tutorial and toggling between two windows, We allow very close and shared learning experience with some gamification along the way.
In the future we intend to introduce more features like worldwide record table, more audio teaching, different software language to learn from and more features which we can't write here.
So jump in to and learn how to write code fast!