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AI Pitching You Code Tasks

AI came a long way in the recent five years, many people and companies attempt to use it for various purposes. Some more noble, some less, We want to harness AI for the goal of teaching and educating


We are software engineers and teachers and leaders of technologies, We love to teach, write and help software engineers in their journey to become a better and better software engineers, with up to 2

Is College a Scam? A Deep Dive into the Growing Debate

The debate over whether college is a scam has become more prominent in recent years, especially with rising student debt and the introduction of Biden's student loan forgiveness plan. Critics of the

The 10,000-Hour Rule and the Hidden Factors of Success

In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell explores some fascinating theories around success and mastery. Among these is the well-known "10,000-Hour Rule," which suggests that it takes approximately 10,0

Actively Write Code To Land Your Dream Job

Aspiring developers are often overwhelmed with a sea of learning options—books, videos, boot camps, and online tutorials. But if you’re serious about becoming a great coder, there’s one method that s

Learning to Code with Metrics

learning to code effectively isn't just about mastering syntax or solving complex algorithms—it's about building consistency, tracking your progress, and refining your skills with measurable goals. T